Private Lessons with Zaki Ahmad


Learn to sing traditional north Indian music with Zaki Ahmad of New Delhi, India.

Lessons are one hour long and take place online via video conference at a mutually agreeable time. Prices range from $30-$40 per hour depending on your membership status and how many lessons you are purchasing.

Bansuri Bliss Members receive discounted rates on private lessons. Discounts are auto-applied during the checkout process when logged in through your membership account. Click through to checkout to see your final discounted price.

Lessons can be purchased in quantities of 1, 6 or 12 lessons at a time. Purchasing more lessons at once saves you money over the long term and increases your commitment.

Lessons must be scheduled within 12 months from time of purchase or they will expire. We encourage you to take at least one private lesson per month!

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1 Lesson, 6 Lessons, 12 Lessons