Bansuri Bliss
Here you will find a variety of stats related to Bansuri Bliss lessons, courses, students and teachers. We hope you find them as interesting as we do!
Statistics Last Updated: July 23, 2023
Lessons Taught By Dr. Kerry Kriger
As of July 23rd, 2023, Dr. Kriger has taught 1,082 Bansuri Bliss Lessons.
The number of lessons taught by Dr. Kriger each year has clearly increased, likely due to having more students; wanting to keep a regular recurring schedule so that all dedicated students can attend classes with a minimum of difficulty; and because teaching and playing bansuri is more enjoyable than most of life’s activities 🙂
Lessons Exclusively For Bansuri Bliss Members
Bansuri Bliss Membership certainly has its privileges, including numerous opportunities to attend small group classes live on Zoom, with Bansuri Bliss Founder Dr. Kerry Kriger and talented guest instructors.
Group Lessons Taught By Dr. Kerry Kriger
Group lessons include Bansuri Bliss Members Lessons; lessons offered as part of paid courses; and free lessons offered to the bansuri playing community.
Lessons Completed By Students
Every time a student in Bansuri Bliss Academy marks “Lesson Completed” or clicks “Next Lesson”, a record is created. This not only adds to out statistics, but helps us understand which lessons students are working on, and helps us follow up with students who have become inactive. So be sure to always mark your lessons complete once you finish them!
Free Lessons Taught By Dr. Kerry Kriger
Free lessons include Bansuri Bliss events for the public such as Office Hours, Holiday Bash, and Birthday Bash; and private lessons for talented abansuri players and for potential members.
Lessons Publication Status
Bansuri Bliss Academy holds the most thorough compilation of raga tutorials ever created. While hundreds of lessons have been published, there are plenty more in the queue…which we try to process as quickly as possible. Great tutorials take time to prepare though, so we appreciate your patience!
Private Lessons Taught By Dr. Kerry Kriger
Dr. Kriger regularly teaches private lessons…the traditional way that Indian classical music and knowledge of ragas and talas has been passed down from teacher to student (the guru-shishya parampara) for many centuries.
Group Lessons Taught By Guest Instructors
Guest instructors include musical geniuses such as tabla player Hindole Majumdar and Carnatic flute wizard Shashank Subramanyan; Dr. Kriger’s gurubhai Pradip Khaladkar (who studied with flute legends Pandit Vijay Raghav Rao and Pandit Raghunath Seth); and student instructors who have spent years learning from Dr. Kriger.
Lessons Published In Bansuri Bliss Academy
Here you can see the number of lessons published each year. The trend is clearly a decrease, likely because the Academy archives are so extensive that there is less of a need for more material, and due to an increase in the amount of time spent teaching live lessons.
Academy Summary Statistics
A compilation of various statistics related to Bansuri Bliss Academy lessons and courses.
Bansuri Bliss Founder Dr. Kerry Kriger plays a melody underneath the St. Louis Arch, April 29th, 2023.